
5 Things to Know Before Looking for a New Job

Mar 28, 2024 Share

Looking for a new job? You’re in luck! Right now, there are over 9 million job openings across America.[1] This means there’s tons of opportunities out there for you. Tons of them.

And get this, there are a lot of good paying jobs available to you that you may not think you’re even qualified for, but you just might be!

This means that if you’re looking for a new job, you could actually find a job that may not only pay better than the one you have now, but could offer you very good upward mobility too.


Before you look for a new job, there are 5 things you should know. will explain them and show you perhaps the best way to find a new job… and find a new job quick!

Okay, so what are the 5 things to know before looking for a new job?

Well, let’s start with job openings. Like we said above, there are over 9 million job openings across America. That’s a whole lot of jobs. This means that chances are there are jobs available where you live. And yes, some of them may be better than the one you have.

Next, you may qualify for a job you don’t think you’re qualified for. You see, today’s employers are looking for skills not necessarily associated with the daily “tasks” of the job.

Instead, A recent survey found that a whopping 70% of employers are willing to hire and train almost anyone who has a good number of transferable skills.[2]

What are transferable skills? Read more about them HERE

Which brings us to your resume. Because of the above statistic, it’s very important that you include your transferrable skills on your resume before you start looking for a new job. It could make a big difference.

Next up, hiring bonuses. It was shown in an article by CNBC that 5.2% of companies advertise signing bonuses in their job postings.[3] This means you could get paid the very day you’re hired!

Now, to see companies that offer signing bonuses, simply visit's homepage, insert the job you’re looking for and where you want to work, and a huge array of opportunities will open for you.

But remember, even if a company doesn’t advertise signing bonuses, it doesn’t mean they won’t offer you one. Because there’s such a shortage of workers, they just might!

And lastly, one thing to know before you look for a new job…

You’ll want to sign up for’s free job alerts. Now, this is important. You see, by signing up for free job alerts, you’ll be emailed job opportunities you may be interested in, the moment they become available.

Why do this before looking for a new job?

Well, even though there are millions of jobs available, the one you want might not be, not yet anyway. By signing up for free job alerts, you’ll be among the very first people to know about it, which could give you a major advantage over other job candidates.

So, if you think gaining any type of advantage would help you land a job… our free job alerts could very well be it!

Now, after you’ve signed up for our free job alerts, you’ll want to use the search bars on our homepage to find a new job. They’re very simple to use, and you may find that there are tons of good jobs available, where you live…

Right now!

Good luck.

[1] Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary - 2024 M01 Results (

[2] 53% of Americans quit last year for a career change. How to do it (

[3] 8 employment fields that advertise the most signing bonuses (